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Top iPad and iPhone Apps for Seniors

These are my Favorite iPad and iPhone Apps for Seniors

The Senior lifestyle (and you know who I'm talking about) is different for everyone. We all age at different rates and we certainly change with age. As we grow older, we don't see as well as we used to, we don't remember things like we used to, and we need more medical services than ever before.

We take more pills, see more doctors, and forget where we put our keys. If we're retired, our days aren't as well defined - there is less routine. That means we need to keep track of all our appointments - both socially and professionally - differently than we used to do. And if we're becoming more forgetful, remembering appointments becomes more problematic.

Seniors see more doctors than people who are still raising children. Medical doctors, physical and occupational therapists because we have more physical problems. Eye doctors because our eyesight is going. Dentists because we have more problems with our teeth. The pharmacist knows you by name because you see them often. And then you have no idea what anyone is talking about because you've never heard of that ailment or medication.

As you get older you take more medication and need to know when to take what and how many times a day. Should you take it with meals or on an empty stomach. What happens if you miss a dose. What do you do if you don't remember is you took your medication and what happens if you take too much.

You find yourself in a new financial situation. You are living off your savings, 401K, annuities, Social Security, etc. How do you manage your finances now?

I have found some Apps that can be really helpful and I'd like to share them with you. At the end of this lens, please tell me what you think or if you have any suggestions.

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